Brock Meadows 3/3/05 to 1/31/08.

The Meadow's Family has touched me in so many ways I don't think I could ever understand why God brought me to the city of Marietta, but the more i think about the more I'm starting to understand that it's for reasons I never would believe. When I met the Meadow's I knew that there was something special about them, and though they suffered a loss many people would simply turn their back on God and ask why, why did you do this to my family. The Meadow's didn't turn away from God in fact I'm pretty sure they got closer to God.

As I think about the Meadows and the loss they have had. I always thought that I've lost stuff and people didn't care about me or that God didn't even care about me but, I will admit that I was VERY wrong . The Meadow's have touched my life , and have showed me that through all our loses and trials that God is still there and he always will me and that he cares about me. It's okay to grieve everyone does grieves in there own way. The Meadow's are very special people to me and I love them dearly. I have learnt so much from the time I've known them and I'm grateful for every second of the time I've known them. Even though I never had the chance to meet Brock Meadows, but from all the wonderful stories I've heard about him I feel like I have known him at least a little. He's going to be with his family again , Brock knows that and the rest of the Meadow's do too. He's probably smiling down on his parents and siblings right now, that sure wouldn't surprise me.

During all their grief the Meadow's found out the we're expecting to have a baby, but with all the joy in having a new born a round they new it would bring grief, just because Brock was only 2 when he passed, so they still had memory's of him as a new born. Brock's story has touched so many people's life, including mine.

The Meadow's had a precious baby girl Named Lila Jane, she's the cutest I've ever seen! (Truth is I didn't know Meadow's came in girl considering, Nita has had 4 boys.) I love it every time I see Lila's big bothers with her I get goose bumps they love that baby girl with all their heart, just as the loved Brock when he came home from the hospitals. (You can see the Precious Gift from go here

The Meadow's have been truly blessed even with all the grief you can read all of The Meadow's story of grief, joy, and forgiveness story here:

With all the love I have I truly thank the Meadow's for all the thing's they've done and all the lives they have touched. I love you all so much!


Nita Meadows said...

Thank you for honoring us in this way and for remembering Brock, even though you didn't know him. And the Meadows love you back. We are so proud of you. You are so precious to us. We are grateful that God brought you into our lives. We just wish Brockie knew you. He would've LOVED you!!!

Mari said...

What a sweet post! I remember reading about Brock and am so happy they were blessed with another baby! I'm off to see her picture!

Tina said...

Lindsey, you are so sweet to share you heart for the Meadows. Praise God that He is bigger than anything we face!