He's with me.

God has done so much for me these past few months, and I'm so grateful that he has chosen me and my testimony to reach more people than I could ever imagine. I never thought that what I've went through these past years that something good was going to come out of it, but as most of you see it has.

I've learned over the past couple of years that many trials are blessings in disguise, and I've found that it's more than true. I've went from foster home to foster home, school to school, where I've finally just gave up. God was still there when I doubted him. God was still there when I cursed him and told him He didn't care about me that if He did none of this would be happening to me, but not once did he leave me, and I knew He didn't.  I always knew He was there. He showed it in the littlest ways and if I wasn't paying attention I missed it. No matter what God was there for me. Even at my worst He was still there, and still is! I know he's with you too. He's NOT finished with me yet. God I'm here, and I'm ready to listen! Show me what YOU want me to do. I love you.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
-Romans 8:28


Jonnia Smith said...

Isn't it wonderful to look back and see clearly where God has been working all along? I suspect there are so many ways that He might use your willingness to bless others. He already has! ((hug))

Mari said...

Lindsey - this is a great testimony. You are ahead of so many adults in the knowledge you already have.

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing, God's impact on your life. God provides everything we need to survive. Bless you, sweety.